MINI CHAMPIONS in Bosnia celebrated unity and UEFA's notion of “RESPECT” playing fun football

More than 400 girls and boys from different ethnic groups from across Bosnia and Herzegovina gathered on the main city square in Bihać (Bosnia) last Saturday to play fun football, develop friendships and celebrate unity and the UEFA notion of RESPECT.

The event, tagged ‘Mini Champions’, was organized by the humanitarian organization Open Fun Football Schools and supported by UEFA and other sponsors, took place on May 28th, the day of the UEFA Champions League final in Milan.

This year two young people joined the local mayor in opening the event by giving a short speech to their teammates, “Today, we are showing that we want to be together, to enjoy and to become mini champions. To those big champions who are playing the final match in Milan tonight we are sending a message to play fair and let the better one win.”

Boys and girls played football in 15 small stadiums dressed in the colours of Atletico and Real Madrid, and those who were not interested in football had a chance to play some other games and be entertained by clown and mascots.

This was the sixth time the ‘Mini champions’ event has taken place in a Bosnian city.